Interview with Dr. Neeta Pant | Clinical Psychologist | Consultant | Author | Executive Life Coach | Soft Skills Trainer | Founder at Connecting ‘DOTS’

Dr. Neeta Pant

At BrilliantRead Media, we always strive to bring meaningful and powerful stories from India and around the world to empower and motivate our growing community. As part of this endeavour, we invited Dr. Neeta Pant for an exclusive interview with us. Dr. Neeta is a Clinical Psychologist, Consultant, Author, Executive Life Coach, Soft Skills Trainer and Founder of Connecting ‘DOTS’. Let’s learn more about her background, her journey and her advice for our community!


Excerpts from our exclusive interview with Dr. Neeta: 

Could you please talk us through your background and your journey?

I come from a humble family of educators, which likely sparked my deep passion for education. My thirst for knowledge, which began in my school days, has only grown stronger over time.

I hold a diverse range of qualifications, including a PhD in Clinical Psychology, dual MBAs in HR and Marketing, MAs in both Psychology and English, and a Research Fellowship in Strategic HR Management. In addition, I am a government-certified POSH and POCSO Trainer, as well as a Soft Skills Trainer.

My fascination with handwriting analysis led me to earn a degree in Graphology. Recently, I also obtained certification as an Executive Life Coach, further enriching my HR and counselling expertise.

I embarked on my professional journey at the age of 17, right after completing school. Driven by a strong desire for financial independence, I quickly advanced in my career.

Starting with an internship in HR and Marketing Management, I rose to the role of branch head within six years. After taking a break post-marriage to raise my children, I focused on expanding my skills and knowledge. Today, I serve as the Head of Human Resources at Pathways School Gurgaon.

My educational journey has spanned Human Resources, English Literature, Marketing, and Psychology, which I believe is the key to my success.

Dr. Neeta Pant

‘Connecting ‘DOTS’’ is such a unique name; talk us through more about it, please. Our audience would also love to know what kind of problem you are solving?

The book finds its roots in psychology but is not a psychology book rather it delves into simple but important issues that we all face on a daily basis like anger, negative thought patterns, over-sensitivity, competitiveness, how to handle mistakes, over-explaining and even how to even apologise sincerely.

The book talks about the complexities of human relationships and how to navigate through them and transform them.  The book provides insights for self-discovery, self-improvement and self-growth.  Let me tell you how….

We all reflect back on life, incidents, days gone by and claim that we try to learn from our mistakes but we miss looking at the most important thing which is why do we commit mistakes in the first place.  Why do we behave the way we behave?

Why do two people in similar situations behave differently? Where does our thought process come from?  Does it come from my childhood, from genes, or is it a learnt behaviour? Connecting DOTS helps us find the connection between these aspects.

It joins the dots between our Thoughts, Feelings, Actions and behaviour by delving deep into our cognitive narrative and mental scriptures as we are the product of how our brains process and functions.

The book is divided into 3 sections, each section contains 7 chapters.

The first section talks about our emotions, behaviour and actions – primarily why do we behave the way we behave and how to regulate them. What is my cognitive narrative?

The second section talks about delving into the WHY behind such emotions – What is influencing my behaviour and other’s behaviour, why is it impacting me the way it is impacting?  Where is my cognitive narrative coming from?

The third section talks about how to take charge of these emotions and behaviour, how to regulate our emotions, how to strategies our actions, thought processes and behaviours.  How can I change my cognitive narrative or mental scripture?

There are simple strategies at the end of each chapter that one can imbibe to be the better version of oneself.  Each chapter also has a psychological test towards the end to understand where one is on that emotion or skill parameter.

The book would be useful for anyone and everyone who aspires to transform their life personally and professionally by just changing their mental scriptures and cognition with the simplest strategies.

Despite the challenges, what keeps you going when things get tough?

What keeps me going is my belief in the purpose of what I’m doing. Even when things get tough, I focus on the end goal and remind myself why I started in the first place and trust me asking these ‘whys ’ makes all the difference in life.  I totally rely on my support system—my husband Dhiraj, my Children – Pratul and Ikshika, my friends, and mentors—to help me push through.

Their encouragement and belief in me strengthen my resolve each time when I think I am losing it.  I also look at challenges as opportunities to grow and learn.  Every obstacle teaches me something new, and that keeps me moving forward.

I’ve developed routines and habits that help me stay consistent, even when motivation fades. Knowing that persistence will eventually pay off is what drives me.  Being extremely organised also helps keeing me sane through life storms.

What are the three most important lessons you have learned in your life?

Life teaches you many lessons and my key learnings in life are:

1) Everything in life is temporary, including pain – I always remind myself that difficult moments don’t last forever.  The storm may be raging now but clearer skies will appear and this has helped me immensely in staying calm in adverse situations.  ‘This too shall pass has always provided me with internal strength.  Resilience, being able to adapt, and push through challenges—is essential for success and personal growth.”

2) Believe in the power of persistence/perseverance –  Trust that even small, consistent efforts can lead to breakthroughs has always been my key strength, always.  Whether it is battling poor health, work pressure, relationships, or external hardships, persistence and perseverance have been my key to survival and growth.

3) Growth Comes from Discomfort – “I’ve learned that stepping out of my comfort zone is where real growth happens. Whether it’s trying new things, taking risks, or facing fears, those uncomfortable moments often lead to the greatest breakthroughs in life.”

How do you define success? Who do you credit your success the most to?

Success is very subjective; it means different things to different people. For me, success is:

–  Achieving whatever you set out to achieve, even if it is not a huge target – if you are happy and content after achieving it and haven’t lost anything significant at the cost of that achievement.

–  Accomplishing something on your own terms, by setting your own rules and feeling proud of the end product.

– Achieving something when you know you put in your best to become the best basis your capacity and capabilities.

Whatever little success I have achieved, I owe first and foremost to my father. Despite coming from a conservative family, he granted me the freedom to become independent and navigate this tough, competitive world. His words of wisdom still guide me through my daily challenges.

After marriage, my husband has been a pillar of strength. He has stood by my side in every decision and supported my career aspirations, becoming the greatest anchor in my life. He is also my fiercest critic, keeping me grounded 😊

As a woman, the emotional and maternal responsibilities often weigh heavily. I am fortunate to have two incredibly strong and understanding children, who never complained when work commitments kept me away. Without their unconditional support, my path might have looked very different.

Dr. Neeta Pant

What are the core values you ensure?

“The phoenix must burn to emerge.” ~ Janet Fitch 

Very profound statement and my mantra in life. My core values, I am sure, have been a result of the way I have been raised by my parents, and have been deeply ingrained into me. They are:

> Hard work and honesty bring success for sure!

> Do not shy away from speaking your mind, you may not be liked by some initially, but you will be understood in the long run!

> Give your 100% to whatever you are committed to!

> Perseverance is the key, there is light at the end of the tunnel, always!

> Build on from your mistakes and failures, use them as a stepping stone, do not dwell on them!

What advice would you give students and young professionals who want to have a successful career?

My advice to young professionals and students would be:

Be Curious and Keep Learning – “Stay open to learning in every stage of your career. The skills you develop now will shape your future opportunities. Embrace continuous learning, whether through formal education, online courses, or self-development. Be curious about the world and always look for ways to grow.”

Build Relationships and Network– “Who you know can be just as important as what you know. Build genuine connections with people in your industry and beyond. Networking isn’t just about asking for favours; it’s about learning from others, sharing knowledge, and forming a support system.”

Be Open to New Experiences– “Don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone and take on new challenges. Sometimes the most unexpected opportunities can lead to major career growth. Early in your career, exploring different roles can help you discover what truly excites you.”

Work on Your Personal Brand – “Be mindful of how you present yourself—both in person and online. Your reputation and personal brand will play a huge role in how others perceive you. Stay authentic, professional, and focused on your values.”

Balance Passion and Practicality– “Follow your passion, but also stay practical. Sometimes a career path may take detours, but if you focus on where you want to go and combine that with a solid plan, you’ll build the foundation for long-term success.”

What about your journey makes it satisfying/exciting?

One of the most satisfying aspects of my journey is the constant learning. Every challenge presents an opportunity to grow, and I find excitement in expanding my skills and knowledge. Whether it’s overcoming obstacles or mastering new concepts, the process of personal development is deeply rewarding.

What excites me the most is knowing that my work has a meaningful impact. When I see how my efforts contribute to positive outcomes—whether it’s helping others, solving problems, or driving change—that sense of purpose fuels my motivation and makes the journey worthwhile.”

My path has been filled with diverse experiences, from working with different kinds of people to taking on new challenges in various environments. This variety keeps things exciting, as I’m always learning something new, meeting fascinating individuals, and gaining fresh perspectives.”

Facing and overcoming challenges is something that has made my journey particularly fulfilling. It’s not just about the successes, but also about the resilience I’ve built along the way. Each obstacle I’ve tackled has made me stronger and more confident.”

Forming meaningful connections along the way is another rewarding aspect. The relationships I’ve built with colleagues, mentors, and peers have enriched my journey, offering support, inspiration, and collaboration that make the process exciting.

Dr. Neeta Pant

Last but not least, in this journey what have been your make-or-break moments?

Oh, there have been many! There have been moments of ‘fight or flight’ every now and then. Honestly, being an HR professional is not easy. You can’t be friends with your colleagues and staff members to ensure that you aren’t biased. Most of the time you will find yourself standing alone and would be unsure of your decisions as well.

You will find yourself torn between emotions and righteousness. You will be judged for every action of yours and you will not be able to keep everyone happy, despite your best efforts. It actually is a lonely place to be in where you can’t confide in anybody since confidentiality needs to be maintained. To top it all, you need to maintain neutrality in your decisions without getting emotional and that too within the policy framework. That’s truly a lot!!!

As an HR professional and a counselling psychologist, my job is to absorb people’s issues, concerns, and problems throughout the day like a sponge. As a human being, there is not a moment to express your own struggles or pain areas, and hence the ‘fight or flight’ moments.

Having said that, there are rewarding moments in the journey too. When you are able to make peace for someone after resolving a conflict, are able to provide them solutions to their issues, are able to bring in a change which is welcomed and appreciated by staff, you kind of forget about all the roadblocks or those moments of ‘fight or flight’ and feel a sense of pride and joy in what you bring to the table.


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Please don’t forget to read – Interview with Yasmin Sait | Author | Life Coach | Counsellor | Founder of Senior Sunset Finishing School

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